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Monday, November 01, 2004


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Douglas Neasloss

I think the intentions of the movie are good but I think the movie will bring to much publicity to the white bear and it's habitat. I think proper guidelines should be developed with first nations before the releasing of this movie. I have worked with this first hand and already there are too many people navigating princess royal island in search for this white bear.



Thanks for your comments, a welcome perspective. The possibility of offshore oil-drilling and the increasing attention brought to this area by the Winter Olympics can only add to the publicity. Have you made any progress in liaising with the makers of this movie?


An update - JN

Enviros and Industry Ring Alarm over Great Bear Project

They fear government delay risks B.C.’s reputation and a $100 million investment in a complex Central Coast preservation initiative.
By Charles Campbell
Published: April 28, 2005


Via Greenpeace: Take action

Tell the Premier of BC to protect the Great Bear Rainforest The Great Bear Rainforest is the largest coastal intact temperate rainforest left on the planet - and it remains unprotected. Over the last decade, blockades and marketplaces actions have brought world attention to this region. Now a solution agreed to by industry, environmental groups, communities and workers exists. Now is the time for the government of British Columbia to protect one third of the region from logging and create a new approach to forest management. To send a free fax right now to the Premier of BC, click here>>

Judi Wild

I have talked to Premier Campbell about "My Vision" for protecting the Spirit Bear and all the other plants & wildlife on Princess Royal Island. I did not just talk to him but came up with a solution to a problem of the potential harm created by TOO MUCH media attention. Please see this webpage for a great solution


I think that what you are doing is great and that a movie woud help these bears out alot. I think that the countrie should start thinking more about our wonder ful nature than money. i think that if the movie was funny yet touching and interesting it would help people think more about not only the spirit bear but also other endangered animals that need to be saved. i love animals and i would do anything to help but what you are doing takes alot of courage and respect because these bears are a living ,breathing part of our world and the deserve respect.

I am reading touching spirit bear with my sixth grade class and so far it's awesome. Ben Mikelson is a great author


i think this movie is verygood :)

cause it shows alot of detail into the transition into manhood.


anyone now where i can buy the book?? i need answer asap

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