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Saturday, July 15, 2006


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I stumbled across your blog while I was doing some online research. I am absolutely amazed at what you accomplished, turning a barren patch of land into such a lush paradise!


Each step of the process seemed pretty ordinary and common sense but, taking a step back, I can see (and enjoy) the transformation. It used to be unpleasant out there on a hot summer day.

I took a look at your blog and was impressed: it looks very comprehensive.


Wow! I found your blog while googling "front yard vegetable gardens" and I am inspired! I am looking to convert my (dead) grass front lawn into a veggie garden in the spring. The backyard doesn't get any sun, so if I really want veggies, it has to be the front. And with the low annual precipitation Colorado receives, lawns just don't make sense.


Glad to know my little garden inspired you. Come back and let us know how you do.
- JN


I too just googled "front yard vegetable gardens" and found your blog. I am inspired. I'm not much of a green thumb, but am determined to try. We just moved into our new house and there is barely any area to garden in the back yard. The front yard is a patchy mix of flowers and barren spots. At this point, I can't figure out what are flowers and what are weeds. There is also a beautiful lemon tree that is just now getting lemons.

And being in California, where rain is not always guaranteed, I would feel better watering my dinner then my decorations. And really, growing vegetables are such a pretty sight. I love going to the local maybe I will have my own mini one.


Hey January,

Thanks for dropping by. Keep an eye on things in your new home - what's growing, I mean. The Permaculture folks recommend doing nothing in the first year - just watch and see what's there and why. It's not easy or practical on a landscaped suburban lot, but I still heartily recommend going slowly until you see what comes up of its own accord. With water in such short supply, the things that come up on their own usually know how to take care of themselves.

With the vegetable garden: lots of mulch.

Please feel free to drop by here and let us know how you're doing.


I've been searching around for gardening blogs in the Cariboo Chilcotin and came across this post. I lived in 108 Mile until I was 8 years old. It has changed so much since the late 70's/early 80's. I can't believe how many houses are there now, on forested land I remember playing in. Our house was a short walk from the beach and I thought living there was heaven!

Our family is working on gradually growing more food in our yard, as well as taking over some of the lawn space with drought tolerant and native plants. We've only had one gardening season so far and there's lots of work to be done!


Glad to hear from another (ex) 108-er. I presume you visited our community association web site:

This whole area (the South Cariboo) has had a major influx of people and the development that comes with that. It's surprising how many still think that their first "duty" is to strip the land of any natural vegetation and replace it with lawn. I wish you well in the season to come.

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