During my first year of blogging - 2004-5 - I began covering the attempts by the Botswana government to remove the Kalahari Bushmen from their traditional lands, along with Survival International's determination to protect and defend the rights of these people. The apparent Government motivation was to clear the way for mining in that area. While there was some relief through the courts, it never lasted long, especially with a government willing to disregard its own legal system.
Yesterday, according to Survival International, the Botswana government began forcibly removing the Bushmen.
The move to evict the Ranyane Bushmen comes despite an injunction issued by Botswana’s High Court last week preventing the forced removal of some of the Bushmen until the case returns to court on June 18, and despite promises from President Khama’s spokesman Jeff Ramsay last week that 'The government has no plans to remove those who wish to stay at Ranyane’.
Act now to help the Bushmen
Your support is vital if the Bushmen are to survive. There are many ways you can help.
- Writing a letter to the Botswana government is a quick and simple way to let them know of your concern.
- Donate to the Bushman campaign (and other Survival campaigns).
- Write to your MP or MEP (UK) or Senators and members of Congress (US).
- Write to your local Botswana high commission or embassy.
- If you want to get more involved, contact Survival International
More about this story:
2005: Kalahari Bushmen Plea for Help in Securing their Botswana homeland
2005: Kalahari Bushmen vs Botswana government - eviction trial resumes
2005: Botswana Bushmen's Last Stand
2005: Botswana police shoot Kalahari Bushmen
2005: Botswana government's attempt to silence and remove the Kalahari Bushmen
2005: Botswana: Kalahari Bushmen evicted at gunpoint and their houses burnt down2005: Protestors against Botswana president's appearance at Oxford
2005: Botswana court orders government to allow Bushman family to return to their land
2006: More bushmen die as a consequence of Botswana and De Beers diamond agenda
2006: Bushmen call for support from Leonardo di Caprio and Linda Evangelista
2006: Botswana Kalahari Bushmen court ruling on December 13
2006: Boycott de Beers web site combats eviction of Kalahari Bushmen
2006: Bushmen win the right to live on their ancestral land
2007: Destruction of tribe and their forest home to make way for cattle ranching
2007: The Kalahari Bushmen's struggle to retain their land, culture and existence
2007: Botswana government thwarting court judgement
2008: De Beers stops mining on Kalahari Bushmen land
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